The deep dive knowledge tool.

Infinity Maps is a visual & spatial workspace combined with the information depth of a wiki. Dive deep into your knowledge to manage complexity, unleash creativity, and maintain control.

Infinity Maps - If Miro and Notion had a baby | Product Hunt
Infinity Maps - If Miro and Notion had a baby | Product Hunt

Combining the benefits.

Infinity Maps is based on the award-winning iMapping method, which for the first time combines four basic principles of information organization. Create comprehensive yet concise deep knowledge maps which are unlimited in size and infinitely zoomable.

Flexible arrangement of information, e.g. unsorted for notes, as a mind map for brainstorming, kanban, and many more.

Working in depth by structuring information into several layers.

Easy to grasp and immediately visible cross-references even for highly interconnected topics.

Arbitrarily large collection of knowledge, without losing the overview, or missing details.

What are you up to?


Infinity Maps provides you with unlimited space and useful templates to capture ideas, develop models, and plan projects. Map every step of your endeavors, from ideation and strategy to implementation and documentation.

Illustration einer Infinity Map mit einer Zoom-Lupe.
Illustration einer Infinity Map mit einem Gehirn..


Collect and structure all information in Infinity Maps to unfold complex topics. Develop creative solutions to multilayered problems with hierarchical structures and easy-to-grasp interrelations.


Communicate challenging topics insightfully, and spark passion in your audience with visual facilitation. Discuss details while keeping the big picture in perspective.

Illustration einer Infinity Map mit einer

For visual thinkers & knowledge workers

Infinity Maps is for the dreamers who develop big ideas. For the brainiacs who work through complexity. For the go-getters who act on results quickly. Ready to get started?

Illustration eines Mannes vor einem Business Model Canvas in Infinity Maps.

When your idea is unique and your plans are bold.

Illustration of a woman with a telescope on the topic use cases for knowledge management.

When knowledge is not just your job, but your passion.

Illustration knowledge tool in study: a student with laptop on her knees. Study documents float around her head.

When you want to understand, not just memorize.