Please find a list of the most common questions below. If your request is not listed with the frequently asked questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Errors and additional features
There are several reasons why a Map is not displayed. Particularly larger Maps are currently still a challenge for “smaller” devices such as smartphones, tablets or older computers. But we are working on improving the performance. If a Map is not displayed without a specific error message, please send us a message with the URL of the Map and some basic information:
- Which device and browser did you run the program on?
- What is happening during the process? Does it only affect this one specific Map, or more / all Maps?
Please, try to be as precise as possible. Thank you!
Your Maps are private by default. If you wish to share your Maps with others, you can either set them to be completely public, in which case they will appear in the Public Maps. If you choose the “unlisted” option when sharing, only those who have received the link to your Map will be able to see it. If you are logged in, you can find both options in the toolbar of the respective Map under “Set Visibility”. Currently we are working on a fourth option which will allow users who have not signed up for Infinity Maps to edit a Map that has been shared via the link.
Invite other Infinity users to collaborate on your map via the option “Share”. Allow them to see or edit the map or grant them admin rights via the role management.
You can currently export your Maps as JSON and import them again. We are currently working on a PDF export and will keep you updated in the newsletter as soon as it is available.
Offline mode is not yet available. However, if you are working on a Map in the browser and you are offline in between, you can continue to edit it. If you go back online before closing the tab, your changes will be automatically synchronized with the server. In the long term, we plan to provide mobile and desktop standalone apps in addition to the web app, all of which will have your Maps available offline and allow you to share only selected content to the cloud.
Alternatives to a monthly subscription
Would you rather be making an annual or one-time payment instead of monthly payments? We offer you the the following benefits:
- Pay in advance for a year and receive 12 months for the price of 10 months.
- A perpetual license is obtainable for five times the annual price.
Please talk to us if you would like to choose one of these options.
If you only use Infinity Maps for a specific period of time or only sporadically need more space than the Free option allows, we offer the following options:
- If you switch from the Pro or Unlimited option to Free, your previous Maps remain permanently readable. However, the editing of the Maps exceeding the limit of the Free option is not provided within the free version.
- If you need more Cards than your current plan includes, you can increase the amount as needed with the On Demand or Friend Special.
Nothing suitable for you? Please contact us.
Please talk to us, if you want to use Infinity Maps for your volunteer work and social or environmental commitment.
We offer special discounted plans and licences for students and educators. Please contact us.
iMapping Tool
To continue using your existing .iMap files in Infinity Maps, you can upload them to the app. Simply log in to the app and click Import Map in the menu on the left.
If switching from the old iMapping Tool to Infinity Maps is not an option for you, or you want to use both softwares, you can still download the free version of the iMapping Tool or purchase the full version of it. Please contact us.
WebGL is an internet standard for rendering 3D- and 2D-graphics. If you receive the error “WebGL not enabled”, this standard is currently not to enabled in your web browser. This might be the case for several reasons, e.g.:
- Either you are using an old version of your browser. Then you should update it or install an up-to date browser. We recommend Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for optimal use of Infinity Maps.
- Depending on the graphics card, driver and operating system, it may also happen that WebGL is disabled. Check here, whether WebGL is enabled in your browser or not. If it is, you will receive a green banner with the message “This browser supports WebGL 1”.
To enable the function manually, please proceed as follows:
Google Chrome
- Type chrome://settings in the address bar.
- Scroll all the way down and click “advanced settings”.
- Scroll further. Under “System” you will find an entry “User hardware acceleration when available”. It has to be activated (Slider to the right.).
- After restarting Chrome, WebGL should work.
Mozilla Firefox
- Type about:config in the address bar.
- Click “Accept the Risk and continue”.
- Type webgl.disabled in the search field.
- If the entry is set to true, double-click to set it to false.
- If it was already set to false, or setting it to false did not succeed, search for the following entries (like above) and make sure they are set as follows:
- webgl.disable-fail-if-major-performance-caveat : true
- webgl.disable-wgl : false
- webgl.force-enabled : true
- webgl.enable-webgl2 : true
Still having issues? Please contact our Customer Support. We are happy to help you!
Need support?
We are here to help. Please contact our Customer Support via +49 (0) 179 2375911 or e-mail.