Boost your consulting skills with deep knowledge maps

Process information efficiently, model processes clearly and present results convincingly – in a large, zoomable knowledge map. The benefits of a mindmap, whiteboard, wiki and notes app in one tool.

Illustration of a Business Model Canvas.

Manage everything in one tool

Flexibility and control for complex projects and detailed information with the unique Infinity principle of clear structure, fast zoom and unlimited space.

Map projects from start to finish

(Multi) Project Management

Work with Infinity Maps throughout all stages of your projects. Complete all tasks in one map, from onboarding to strategy to final report, without changing tools. Use the zoom to focus on specific details and maintain an overview of the overall objectives. Identify synergies and avoid redundant work by networked operations.

Illustration of an Infinity Map with puzzle pieces on the topic: Complex Projects.
Illustration of an Infinity Map on the topic: workshop and training.

Workshop Series & Trainings

Develop long-term trainings and workshop series in one tool, from preparation to presentation to documentation. Infinity Maps are unlimited in size and complexity, allowing one map to represent not only multiple events, but also all the stages.

Client Acquisition

Infinity Maps is your central platform for gathering scattered client data, market research and project information, and keeping it up to date. As a result, you are always prepared for customer meetings and save time.

Illustration of an infinity map on the topic: research and organization.

Keeping an overview, gaining focus

Infinity Maps focuses on the key features you need to work effectively and stay focused. With its alignment to cognitive processes, Infinity Maps promotes agility and networked thinking. Thus, the software is ideally suited for efficient knowledge management. Reduce your tool kit and manage your projects in one workspace.

Keep an overview without losing details: Use the zoom to quickly navigate through all content and view the big picture or explore details in depth.

Structure and interconnection without chaos: In contrast to common visual facilitation tools, in Infinity Maps content can be structured in layers. Working in depth allows hierarchies and interrelationships to be mapped in a differentiated and clear manner.

With Infinity Maps, ideas can be thought through or evolve over time: Infinity Maps is infinitely expandable and offers full flexibility to develop your ideas.

We are continuously working on the development of Infinity Maps and address the individual needs of our business customers. Templates, real-time collaboration and integrations will be available soon.

Explore public maps

Zoom into details by scrolling or double-clicking. Navigate by drag’n’drop.

Resources instead of buzzwords

Are you interested in using Infinity Maps for your consulting and you need support with the implementation? We are happy to assist you.