Top 3 Learnings
Learning #1
Students lack a clear methodology to link reading papers and writing the final text of a deliverable (PowerPoints, Reports, Master Thesis, Seminar Papers etc.). Although the use of citation software is becoming more common, there is a shortcoming in working with them effectively. Infinity Maps could solve their problem as it creates a smooth link between reading, structuring, and writing.
Learning #2
Infinity Maps is an easy-to-use software and is most relevant for long term group projects (1 to 6 months). It can be used either by:
- Single users who are sharing information to a designated group after working on something by themselves
- Teams working on group projects wanting to keep an overview of what has been done (research + deliverables) for their own purpose
Learning #3
The best added value of Infinity Maps for students is to have a clear picture of the most relevant study content they should focus on, on a day-to-day basis. This mainly encompasses:
- Howemork: writing papers, reading paper, adding annotations
- Collaborations: sharing papers and presentations or seminar insights
- Studying for exams: ability to distinguish between done and todos efficiently
- Orientation: having an overview of topics learned and being able to deep dive in one topic thoughtfully